Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"The days are coming," 

declares the Sovereign Lord, 

"when I will send a famine through the land - 

not a famine of food or a thirst for water, 

but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. 

Men will stagger from sea to sea 

and wander from north to east, 

searching for the word of the Lord, 

but they will not find it."        Amos 8:11-12

    photo by carretje

What is it like when God our Creator is totally excluded from our lives? 
What will it be like when He is totally excluded from homes, states, nations and countries?  
When He has been polled and penciled away from every place imaginable. 

In Amos 7: 7-9 , it says that God has set our 
plumb line. 
A plumb line is what a carpenter uses in order to keep a project or wall straight as he is building it.  
Without the use of a plumb line, a chimney may seem straight when up close and while constructing it, but when stepping back to view the final result, one may find that it has an ever 
increasing slant and can collapse. 

It is faulty.

Without Gods word as our plumb line, things that appear right & true, may have staggering flaws when viewed as a whole.

So, how does it look when truth, goodness, and 
mercy from God, is removed from your life?  
When your way of thinking determines how you act, 
and which path you think is best?
Well, it will be just as the prophet Amos proclaims above.  

It will be a famine.   A famine of hearing the words of the Lord.
Take away light and stagger in darkness. 

So, what is a famine like?

Take a hard look at those suffering the effects of famine in Africa, Somalia, and other places around the world.
The effect of food famine on human beings is not pleasurable to view.  A lot of people shift their gaze, turn the television channel and/or flatly ignore it is even occurring.  
Some cling tightly to,"ignorance is bliss," especially when it doesn't affect them. 

Food famine is the slow, wasting away process of a human body.  It begins with wrenching pains, yet nothing to ease the pain.   As nutrients are denied, body systems shut down, and any attempt at growth is deformed/stunted , never achieving true form. 
And as famine continues, life eventually ends.

Heed the words that the prophet above speaks.

Before you think it is best to remove God the Creator from your life: 

Before you think it is best to shut off the one true Light - Jesus Christ :

Before you believe that your way of thinking and acting are right but yet never measure it against Gods word - the plumb line: 

Before you think it is best for man to decide 
what is right & wrong , moral & immoral:

Wisely recall what spiritual famine really looks like...
It is the child you see ,
who no longer cries.
It is the adult you see ,
who no longer seeks.
It is the empty eyes you see,
peering back at you.

Eyes that are open,
but reflect no hope.

by KMD

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